NASDAE Statistics

Message from NASDAE’s Executive Director

Dear NASDAE Members and Friends,

Beginning a new program year always bring new challenges, but at the same time, onboarding new Directors to our Board always brings fresh ideas to counterbalance the looming issues. That said, it is my pleasure to welcome Ben Konruff from Wisconsin, Windy Swearingin from Alaska, and Sophie Tan from Rhode Island to our Board. We are grateful for the willingness of these new and our continuing Board members to serve the adult education community.

NASDAE Board of Directors for 2024-25:

Heidi Silver-Pacuilla (VA) Chair
Will Durden (WA) Chair-Elect
Carolyn Zachry (CA) Secretary/Treasurer
Amber Gallup (NM) Representative
Ben Konruff (WI) Representative
Erin Landry (LA) Representative
Beth Little (MS) Representative
Marilyn Pitzulo (IN) Representative
Windy Swearingin (AK) Representative
Wyvonne Stevens-Carter (MA) Representative
Sophie Tan (RI) Representative

We also deeply appreciate the many contributions of those Directors rotating off the Board this year:  Brad Hasskamp from Minnesota, Kathy Olesen-Tracey from Illinois, David Walters from Alabama. Their generous service and creative ideas have greatly enhanced our resources for State Directors.

Best Regards,
Patricia Tyler
Executive Director

Message from NASDAE’s Assistant Director

Dear NASDAE Colleagues,

As we begin program year 2024-2025, I’m excited by what the NASDAE Board and Committees have on their radar, including engagement with numerous partners to provide valuable and relevant resources, information, and training. I look forward to doing my part to make the work of NASDAE an important contribution to the national system that provides critical services to the adult learner population and to helping states/territories address the numerous demands and challenges that are being faced.

I’m hoping to see many of you in person at the National Training Institute (NTI) in Costa Mesa, CA, Nov. 18-21, 2024. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me directly at with any questions or suggestions you may have.

Sheryl O. Hart
Assistant Director