NASDAE Resources
NASDAE Fact Sheets
- NASDAE Adult Education 2022-2023 Fact Sheets
(Note: Use the pull-down menu at the top to select an individual state or U.S.) - Fact Sheets for Prior Reporting Years
- NASDAE Webinar: NASDAE’s Adult Education Data Resources (9/20/2024)
- NASDAE Webinar: One Step Further: American Community Survey and Decennial Hands-on Training (3/8/2023)
LEAD Institute for Adult Educators
- LEAD Institute Brochure
- Webinar: An Overview of LEAD Institute for State Directors (Note: The information presented in this webinar is accurate as of 3/2/2023 and is subject to change) (note: the information presented on this webinar is accurate as of 3/2/23 and is subject to change)
NASDAE National Profile: High School Equivalency Options
- States with Alternate Secondary Credentials
- Survey of States- Recognized HSE Assessments/Credentials
Additional Resources